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  3. How to give your form depth

Use aliases to link data

With an alias, specified values are reused somewhere else, and different actions can be performed

Incontrol is built around the powerful Form Builder. By using aliases, you get even more out of Incontrol.


There are many possibilities with aliases.

Specifying an alias

You can specify an alias for most elements and for an automatic numbering. You specify the alias in an element's settings. By clicking on the specified text to the right of the alias in the settings, you can automatically use the specified label of the element.

It is also possible to modify an alias by clicking on the alias on the right side in the element. You can then start typing directly.

We recommend choosing a logical structure for your aliases, so you can remember later which alias you specified where.

Incontrol can only export data from elements that have an alias.

Making a specified value reappear in a static text

Thanks to aliases, you can now reuse values that the user has filled in an element with a specified alias again in a static text. For example, if the user has filled in the first name 'Dave' in a Text element. This element has been given the alias 'firstname'. You can now make this value reappear by specifying @firstname in a static text. Incontrol will show the value in the static text as soon as the element with this alias is filled in.

Note: Are there multiple elements with the same alias? Then Incontrol will separate the different specified values in the static text with a comma.

Example: In your form, there is a text input element twice with the alias @firstname. In a static text element, you use @firstname to retrieve the first name. The user enters Pete and Dave in the different elements. These will be shown in the static text as Pete, Dave.

You can make a set automatic numbering reappear in a static text by placing the alias behind a $ sign instead of an @ sign.

Good to know: Because the $ sign and @ sign are recognized as automatic numbering and alias in the application, you cannot just use the symbols $ and @ on their own. If you want to use an email address in a static text, then you must use 2x @. The same applies to the $ sign.

Example: If you want to place your own email address in the document, write: "For questions, you can email to support@@incontrol.eu". In the actual concept/document, "support@incontrol.eu" will be shown.

Static aliases

Some data is only known on the server. You can make this data reappear in the document using the aliases below.

Alias Description Visible on?
@user.name The name of the user PDF & Web
@user.firstname The first name of the user PDF & Web
@user.lastname The last name of the user PDF & Web
@user.email The email address  of the user PDF & Web
@user.reference The reference value of a user determined by the Public API or the Content Management System (CMS) PDF & Web
@user.* The value that is set in an additional field created for the user PDF & Web
@organization.name The name of the organization PDF & Web
@organization.reference The reference value of an organization determined by the Public API or the Content Management System (CMS) PDF & Web
@organization.* The value that is set in an additional field created for the organization PDF & Web


The name of the form Always visible


The reference value of a form determined by the Public API or the Content Management System (CMS) Always visible
@draft.name The name of the draft Always visible
@draft.datetime The time and date of the creation of the draft as code (yyMMdd-HHmmss) PDF
@draft.date The date on which the draft was created PDF
@draft.time The time of the creation of the draft PDF
@draft.reference The reference value when the draft was created with the Public API PDF
@document.time The time of the PDF PDF
@document.datetimecode The time of the PDF as code (yyMMdd-HHmmss) PDF
@document.datetime The date and time of the PDF PDF
@document.date The date of the PDF PDF
@document.name The name of the document PDF
@document.outputname The name of the document if it differs from @form.name PDF