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How can you move data within dynamic content?

Before you start reading, it's important to know what aliases and dynamic content are. Don't know yet? Click on the link to learn more about aliases. And click on the link to learn more about dynamic content.

Moving Data

Within Incontrol, you can easily move filled-in values by using an alias. Additionally, there are various ways to calculate in your forms. Click below on the different options to learn more.

However, if you want to move or calculate data within your dynamic content, it works a bit differently. For this, you can use the same methods as described in the above links, but there is an extra step involved. In this article, we explain how you can calculate within dynamic content.

Scoped aliases

You use a scoped alias when you want to move or calculate data within your dynamic content. Scoped means that you zoom in within your specific dynamic content. Every time you press the 'plus' button in your form, you add a new dynamic content.

How can I move data within your dynamic content?

Let's start with moving data. Normally, you use @alias to refer to a specific value elsewhere in your form. However, if you do this with a value that is in your dynamic content, it looks like this:


The alias @name will search for every field with the alias 'name' and therefore retrieve all these values and display them, separated by commas.

Use a scoped alias

When you use a period before the alias name, it will only look at the elements within the specific dynamic content and display them. In this case, you use @.alias to display the value. This looks like this:


How can you move data if you use multiple dynamic content nested within each other?

We also have a solution for this. You can refer to values from an upper-level dynamic content. To refer to an upper-level dynamic content, you use two periods before the alias. So you use @..alias for this. This looks like this:


How can you calculate within dynamic content?

Calculating within dynamic content works the same way as described above. Use the calculation methods from the previously mentioned articles and use periods when naming the scoped aliases in your calculations. This can look like this:


Note 1: Within an input element, you always specify the alias without a period.

Note 2: A scoped alias cannot be used outside of dynamic content.

Note 3: You cannot refer to a scoped alias from dynamic content that are not connected.