Set Up Notifications

While filling out a form, there may be points that require extra attention. It might also be necessary to notify someone within the organization if certain matters are in order or not. With the Notification element, you can automatically send a notification to a selected Export profile.


You can find the element under the 'Action' category when adding a new element.


Here, you provide the name of the notification. This is the title of the notification in the notification overview and is sent to the recipient. It's useful to populate this with values from your form using aliases.


Here, you add the description of the notification. This explains what you have already seen in the title. It is also visible to the recipient after the notification is opened from the overview. It's also helpful to populate this with values from your form using aliases.


Here, you specify the type of notification. By default, it is set to 'Info', but you can change it to Success, Warning, or Critical. This way, the recipient knows the status of the notification and whether any action is needed.

Notification is visible to everyone in the organization

Check this option if the notification should be visible not only to the recipient but to everyone within the organization.


In Export, you link one or more Export profiles to the notification. These ensure that the notification reaches the right person.


Here, you can adjust the visibility of the element.