Rows, Columns, and Elements

Forms within Incontrol are structured with rows, columns, and elements.

Rows and columns

Add a row by clicking on '+ Row' in the form builder. You can add a new element by clicking on the '+'-button within a row. By right-clicking on the header on an existing row, you can add a new row above it. 

Moving rows

On the right side of the row, you can adjust the order of rows using the arrows. Again, by right clicking on the header of the word, you can easily move a row to the top or bottom using the double arrows. 

Rij pijltjes EN

Changing columns

A row can consist of up to 6 columns, provided that the row spans the entire width of your form. You can specify the number of columns using the button next to the arrows. The columns will always be evenly distributed across your form. Note that dome elements may require multiple columns and therefore may bot be usable with multiple columns, if this is the case you won't be able to add the element.

Rij kolommen EN

Copying and pasting

You can easily copy a row using the button to the left of the trash can icon. You can paste a row using the 'Paste' button located to the right of the '+' button.  By right-clicking on the header of a row, you can also copy the respective row or paste a copied row above.

Rij kopieren EN

Rij plakken EN

Deleting rows

Use the trash can icon or right-click to delete a row.

Rij verwijderen EN

Row settings

Click on the gear icon to the right of the row to modify the settings of a row. 

Rij instellingen EN


By default, a row is set to 'visible' so that it is visible both during the completion of the draft, and in the document. You can choose to hide the row in the draft, document or in both. 

Draw a border around a row

By selecting a border type a border will be drawn around the row. 

Alternative background

When this is selected the row will have an alternative background color. 


You can add a new element to a row with the '+' button within the row.


Input elements are elements where the user can enter values during the completing of a draft.


Static elements cannot be changed by the user. The can be used to provide users with additional information or to show certain standard information. 


Container elements are used to cluster multiple rows and elements in various ways, making it easier to move groups of rows.


Action elements trigger a specific action when the element is visible. 


With these elements you can easily import data into your forms so that the user does not have to fill everything in again each time. 

Copying and pasting elements

Copy an element by right-clicking and then paste in the same way. It is also possible to use the copy icon left of the delete icon in the header and the paste button next to the '+' in the row.

Delete element

By clicking the trash can icon or right-clicking an element, you can delete an element. 

Edit element

You can edit an element by clicking the pencil icon or right-clicking the element and selecting 'Edit'. 

Element settings

When editing the element, most elements have the same settings. We'll mention the similarities here.

Element alignment in row

It is possible to align the label, text field, and input field of an element within a row. This means you no longer need to split a row into 2 columns, placing a text element in the left column and an input element in the right column. To use this functionality, do the following:

  1. Open the Form Builder.
  2. Add a row.
  3. Add an element to the row, for example, the audit element.
  4. Open the settings of the audit element by clicking on the gear icon when you want to edit the audit element.
  5. A dropdown has now been added, 'Label and text position', with the following options:
    1. Top: the label and text appear above the input field.
    2. Left - label and text are 1 column wide: the row is divided into 6 columns with the label and text taking up 1 column on the left and the remaining 5 columns for the input field.
    3. Left - label and text are 2 columns wide: the row is divided into 6 columns with the label and text taking up 2 columns on the left and the remaining 4 columns for the input field.
    4. Left - label and text are 3 columns wide: the row is divided into 6 columns with the label and text taking up 3 columns on the left and the remaining 3 columns for the input field.
    5. Left - label and text are 4 columns wide: the row is divided into 6 columns with the label and text taking up 4 columns on the left and the remaining 2 columns for the input field.
    6. Left - label and text are 5 columns wide: the row is divided into 6 columns with the label and text taking up 5 columns on the left and the remaining 1 column for the input field.


Most elements can be given an alias. This alias is used to export the value specified by the user to another location.


In styling, you can specify whether the content should be surrounded by a border and whether it should have a gray background color.


Under visibility, you can specify whether the element should be visible or hidden in the document. If you choose to hide in the document, any subform configured will still be displayed in the document.

Indicate whether the element should be hidden if the user has not entered a value. You can also hide the element if no other elements are visible in the same row.