Scan a QR code to import data

The Import QR Code element allows the user to automatically load site master data of locations or assets by scanning a QR code.


Incontrol's forms are built based on JSON code. By putting a piece of JSON as a text value in a QR code, you can use the camera to scan the QR code while filling out your form. The data will automatically be put in the right place.


Note: Before importing data, it is important to link aliases.  In the example above, the value before the colon is the alias and the value after the colon is the value that should go into the field. When you use Dynamic elements, an array of values can be imported. In the example the Dynamic with alias 'devices' has the fields 'type' & 'model'.

The component:

You can find the component under 'Action'.


With the label, if desired, a title can be given to the component. This title can be filled using aliases and/or calculations.


Here you provide text that can be edited. This too can be filled using aliases and/or calculations.


In settings, you can change the design of the component.

Creating QR Code

Incontrol does not offer the possibility to generate QR codes based on text so far. For this, there are various other websites available with which you can have the QR code generated.

Note: To use this functionality, a license is needed that includes "Data import".