How does the audit element work?

For conducting an audit, we have created a separate 'multiple choice element'. This allows you to give the user the option to answer your question via simple buttons. These buttons can be given a color and scale with the user's device.


The audit element is located under the input elements in the Form Builder.


In the label field, you can specify a title for the element. This title can be filled using aliases and/or calculations.


Here, you can enter text that is editable. This can also be filled using aliases and/or calculations.


When this option is selected, the user must fill out the element before the draft can be completed.

Only show the selected value in the document

Check this option if you want to show only the selected value as text in the document. The colored buttons will not be visible in the document but will be visible during the drafting process.


Under values, you can define the choices for the user. Enter a value in the blue screen. Note: this value can consist of up to 9 characters.

You can also fill in values ​​with an alias. Add a new value with the '+ Value' button. You can change the order with the arrow keys and delete a value by clicking the trash can icon.

Do you want a value to be pre-selected when starting a new draft? Then check it as the default value.


Use the 'Import' button if you want to import a set of data as a value. Each line will be created as a value. The order of the values is from top to bottom.


For this element, it is possible to set up subforms, so the user will see different content depending on the chosen answer.


Here, you can specify the aliases and set the formatting and visibility.