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  2. Form Builder
  3. How to give your form depth

Setting conditions in a form

Displaying or hiding information based on filled-in data (alias(es)) in the form. This is done by applying the 'container' element with a set condition.


Add a container element to your form. open the settings screen and go to the 'condition' tab. See the detailed description of how conditions can be set in the article "adding conditions to a form.


This article describes more of the technical (im)possibilities that can be achieved with a condition.

The condition

the container is shown/not shown based on the set condition. If the result is true, the container is visible; if the result is false, the container is hidden. You can set one condition per container; this can be a simple or a very complex condition.


Conditions are tested in the following order:

  1. ( ... )
  2. *, /
  3. +, -
  4. =, >, <, <=
  5. =, !=, in
  6. and
  7. or
The alias value in a condition depends on the use:
  • If the alias is used in a calculation, compared to a number, or used in a greater than/less than condition, the numerical value is used.
  • If the alias is used with true/false, it checks if the alias is enabled or has a value.
  • For all other cases, the text value of an alias is used.

Technical explanation

Logical operators

Operator (Code) Operator (Text) Description
&& and Left side is true and the right side is true
`   Text value
+   Numeric value of the left side will used with the numeric value of the right side
( ... ) ( ... ) Group a condition


Operator (Code) Operator (Text) Description
&& and Left side is true and the right side is true
`   Text value
+   Numeric value of the left side will used with the numeric value of the right side
( ... ) ( ... ) Group a condition

Calculation operators

Operator Description
+ Plus
- Minus
* Multiply
/ Divide



Example: @alias

@alias Visibility
true Visible
false Hidden
0 Visible
1 Visible
"Hello world" Visible


Example: @checkbox = true

@checkbox Visibility
true Visible
false Hidden
0 Visible
1 Visible
-1 Visible
"Hello world" Visible


Example: @number = 0

@number Visibility
0 Visible
2 Hidden
true Hidden (true will be interpreted as 1)
false Visible (false will be interpreted as 0)
"Hello world" Hidden
"0 Worlds" Visible


Example: @number >= 3.1

@number Visibility
3 Hidden
4 Visible
true Hidden
false Hidden
"Hello world" Hidden
"More then 10 worlds" Visible


Example: @textbox = "hello"

@textbox Visibility
0 Hidden
1 Hidden
"Hello world" Visible