How can I customize the layout of my documents?

  • "When building a form, open the 'Document Settings', located at the bottom left of the screen."
    • If you want all documents to have a standard format/layout, adjust the 'Document Settings' at the organization level.
  • Make sure that default values are disabled for 'PDF Document/Word Document'.
  • Under 'First page (Title page)', you can customize the first page of the document.
  • Under 'Page header', you can choose which information should appear at the top of the first page.

    Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10.13.45
  • Under 'Line Color', you can choose to use the primary line color, a secondary line color, or no line color.
  • Under 'Page Footer', you can also customize the line color and provide a footer for the title page.
  • Under 'Standard Page', you can adjust the layout of other standard pages.