Changing Document Settings

In the document settings, you configure how the document will appear.


Within Incontrol, there are several places where you can modify document settings. Documents can be configured at the Endpoint level (only available for Enterprise with a branded app), at the Organization level, and within the form itself.


Settings for documents at the Endpoint level are configured for all documents of every organization within the endpoint.


Settings for documents at the Organization level are configured for all documents within that organization. Here, you can override the settings of the endpoint.


The settings within the form only apply to documents generated from that form. They can override the settings of the organization and endpoint.


The following document settings are possible:


The Language set here influences the date and time notation in the final document.

Delete documents after x days

With this setting, 'inheritance' is always selected. This means that document settings from a higher level (organization or endpoint) are inherited. You can also specify after how many days a document should be automatically deleted from the cloud.


Here, you can adjust the font. It is set to 'Century Gothic' by default.

Font size

Set the size of the letters in your document.

Line spacing

How much space should be between the different lines.

Title page

Indicate whether the title page should be based on the settings of the level above or whether you want to enable or disable it.

Table of contents page

Here, you can specify whether you want to show a table of contents and whether to inherit the settings from the level above.

Organization logo

Indicate whether your organization logo should be displayed. You can also specify which logo should be displayed. You can also use the settings from the level above.

Page numbers

Here, you can specify whether to show page numbers or not and whether to inherit the settings from the organization or endpoint.

Export new documents

You can link an export profile to your document settings. All documents will then be automatically sent to the linked export profile.