How does the Email Address element work?

The Email Address element allows the user to enter an email address. The user can manually enter an email address or choose from existing users. If the user is using a tablet of smartphone, they can also choose from their contact list.


Below are the steps to demonstrate how to set up the Email Address element.

  1. Open a new or existing form using the Form Builder.
  2. Add the 'Email Address' element.
  3. The screen to edit the element will open automatically.
  4. For general settings, we refer you to this article.
  5. Under Input Method, you can specify whether the end user can enter an email address or if it is pre-filled from the Form Builder. You will see the following options:
    1. User input
    2. Read-only user
  6. If you choose 'Read-only email address,' you can enter an email address under 'Value'.
    1. Check 'Use aliases' if you want the value to be filled by another input field with an alias.
    Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10.30.53
  7. If you choose 'User input,' you will get some additional options:
  8. Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 10.31.29 
    1. You can specify a 'Placeholder text.' This is useful for the end user to know what is expected of them.
    2. You can indicate whether the element is mandatory for the end user to fill in."
    3. You can specify whether the end user can only select users who are part of the teams they belong to.
      1. If you leave this option unchecked, the end user can choose from any user within the organization.
  9. You can choose to share the document with the selected email address.
    1. You can also choose to send an email to the email address.
    2. You can optionally compose a message to be sent to the email address. In this message, you can also use aliases.
      When you choose this option, you are sharing a link to the completed document. Through the link, the recipient can view the content of the document or download the PDF.
  10. In the 'Settings' of the element, you can also give the element an alias, allowing you to reuse the value later in your forms.
  11. Press 'OK' when you are finished.