Create an export profile for Microsoft OneDrive: Excel Online

By adding this export profile to a form, the following will happen:

  • A new row is created in the selected Excel file,
  • With information gathered in the draft,
  • Every time a draft is completed.

The data you export can be used in many ways. For example, to create dashboards, or to send an overview of multiple completed forms to others in the organization without having to send many PDFs.

How do I create an export profile?

To export to an Excel Online file (from now on referred to as an Excel), you need to create an Excel to export to. For this, go to your OneDrive or SharePoint environment, create a new Excel, and name it. Remember this name well, as you will need it later.

Log in to the browser at Incontrol and take the following steps:

  1. Click on 'Organizations'. This can be found on the left side in the menu bar.
  2. Click on 'Connectors'.
    • If you have a Basic license, you do not have access to export profiles. Upgrading to professional or higher grants you access.
    • If your organization has a professional license or higher, but you cannot see export profiles, you do not have user rights to them. Contact your organization's Incontrol administrator to gain access.
  3. Now you will see an overview of all the export profiles in your organization.
  4. Click on the blue plus button (bottom right) to create a new export profile.
  5. Select the option 'Microsoft OneDrivel' and 'Send document values to Microsoft OneDrive'.
  6. Give the connector a name (you can also do this later). 
  7. Click on 'Add'
  8. Now you have arrived at the screen where you can add an Excel.
    • At the top in the green bar, you can name the export profile. We recommend using the following method: [creation date of export profile, creator of export profile, function of export profile]. This way, you keep an overview of your export profiles.
    • Microsoft account: You need to link a Microsoft account to which the Excel is linked. Click on the field to choose from existing linked accounts or to link a new account.
      1. If you need to link a new account, you will be asked to grant access. If you do not do this, it is not possible to link the account and use this functionality.
      2. To remove an existing account, do the following:
        1. Click on 'My settings'. This can be found in the menu bar at the bottom left.
        2. Click on 'Edit'.
        3. Click on 'Cloud Accounts'. This can be found in the menu bar on the left side.
        4. Here you can add, test, and remove existing Cloud accounts.
    • Drive item ID: Here, you select the Excel you will export to.
      1. On the right side of this field, you see a magnifying glass, click on it.
      2. Type the name of the Excel you previously created and press the blue button with the magnifying glass. (You can search through your linked Microsoft account.)
      3. Select the Excel you want to export to by clicking on it.
    • Table: here, you can choose the table to export to, if there is no table in your Excel, you can tick 'Add if it does not exist'.
      1. If you have already created a table, click on the grey button with the magnifying glass on the right side of this field to search through the Excel for tables.
      2. Select a table by clicking on it.
    • Match columns: There are 2 options you can choose from:
      1. Add missing columns: For every alias filled in the drafts, a column is created.
      2. Ignore missing columns: If an alias is filled in, but there is no column for it in the Excel, no column is created.
    • Match containers (dynamic/repeater elements)
      1. Add missing containers: For every dynamic element (with an alias) filled in the drafts, a table is created.
      2. Ignore missing containers: If a dynamic element is filled in, but there is no container for it in the Excel, no container is created.
    • Default values: The upcoming fields to be filled can be exported by default with every export. If you do not specify a value in the input field, this field will not be exported.
      1. every document created in Incontrol has a unique document ID. A unique value can be used to distinguish between lines, as this value is unique. (We advise to note the value: 'Document ID' here.)
      2. the name of the document is exported in this column. (We advise to note the value: 'Document name' here.)
      3. @document.created: the date the document was created is exported in this column. (We advise to note the value: 'Document created on' here.)
      4. @document.url: every document has a url. In the export, this url is noted in this column. If you click on the url, a tab opens in your browser with the document. (We advise to note the value: 'Document url' here.)
      5. every document is created by a user. The name of the user who creates the document is exported in this column. (We advise to note the value: 'User' here.)
      6. every user has an email. The email address of the user who creates the document is exported in this column. (We advise to note the value: 'User email' here.)
      7. every document created is based on a form. The name of the form used to create the document is exported in this column. (We advise to note the value: 'Form name' here.)
  9. Now that you have filled in everything, you can save this export profile by pressing the save button in the green bar at the top right.
  10. The only thing left to do is to add this export profile to a form as follows:
    1. Add the export profile to all forms in the organization. This ensures that all documents in the organization that are created are exported as a new row to the Excel. Do this as follows:
      1. Click on 'Organization' in the menu bar on the left side.
      2. Click on 'Connector triggers'.
      3. Under 'Export new documents' add your new connector.
    2. Add the export profile to one form. This ensures that all documents created with the help of this form are exported as a new row to the Excel. Do this as follows:
      1. Click on 'My Forms' in the menu bar on the left side.
      2. Hover your mouse over the form to which you want to add the Export Profile. Right-click and select 'Edit Form'.
      3. In the dark blue menu bar at the bottom left, you see 'Document settings', click here.
      4. Scroll all the way down and press the dark blue plus button on the right side of the screen in the bar with the text: 'Export new documents'.
      5. Click here the name of the export profile you created.

What data from the form is exported to Excel?

All fields that have an alias are included in the export. Dynamic elements are the exception to the rule. The export does not know in advance how often a field needs to be created for this. Therefore, for each dynamic element (with an alias), a separate table is created with data from the form. These are then filled with a line each time a dynamic element is added. If filled fields in your form do not appear in the Excel, you likely did not assign an alias to that field.


If you also want all filled-out forms to be sent by email, create an export profile for email.